Did you know that your homeowners insurance does not cover flood damage? Insurance against flood must be obtained separately.
A flood insurance policy also reimburses you for the work that you and other family members did to sandbag your homes, move furniture and remove debris.
Residential Coverage
Commercial Coverage
Knowledge Base
Defining Flood Risks
To help communities understand their risk, flood maps (Flood Insurance Rate Maps, “FIRM’s”) have been created to show the locations of high-risk, moderate-to-low risk, and undetermined-risk areas. (Read More)
Flood Maps Explained
To identify a community’s flood risk, FEMA conducts a Flood Insurance Study. The study includes statistical data for river flow, storm tides, hydrologic/hydraulic analyses, and rainfall and topographic surveys. FEMA uses this data to create the flood hazard maps that outline your community’s different flood risk areas. (Read More)
Flood – “The Legal Definition”
OK at first this may seem like one of those “Duh?” questions, however the National Flood Insurance Program has established a legal definition for a flood as follows… (Read More)
Protect Yourself with Flood Insurance
Just a few inches of water from a flood can cause tens of thousands of dollars in damage. Over the past 10 years, the average flood claim has amounted to over $33,000. (Read More)
What Causes Flooding?
Tropical Storms & Hurricanes, Spring Thaw, Heavy Rains, West Coast Threats, Levees & Dams, Flash Floods, New Development and more. (Read More)